Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Making Money on Internet: A Beginners information

If you've clicked here, you must be interested in making money on-line. And why not, every day we are blasted on internet with ad's and e-mails telling us that "you too, can get rich on-line." But how do I, do it? Who do I listen to? Does anyone really make any money other than the "experts" that are trying to sell us their books? Which book should I buy?

Because I have become personally my self tired of the endless flow of "How to Get Rich on the Internet" books being sold to the naive would be entrepreneur, I decided to write a simple guide to outline one method to get started.

Yes, there are lots of people making good money on-line in thousands of different ways. The method I'm going to offer you today is "Niche Marketing."

Niche Marketing on internet is one of the simplest and least expensive ways to get started in an on-line earning business. The concept is easy. First pick a subject to focus your project on. It helps if the topic is one that you enjoy or at least have some knowledge of. But, remember that the point is also to pick a subject that will have enough public interest that you can actually market it and hopefully profit from it.

Specifically what you will do is to write some articles, create a website, monetize your website, and finally drive traffic to your website. And then, you are going to do all that all over again with a new topic of interest.

This brings us to point number one. You are very unlikely to build a website that brings in more than a few bucks a day. In fact your first site may not even break even for a good long time. The point is to understand that our goal is not to create one website making $200.00 a day. But, rather your goal is to build 20 sites averaging about $10 a day each. It is possible to build websites that bring in the big bucks if you have the talent and resources. The truth of the matter is no one with that level of ability is likely to be reading this in the first place. This piece is written for the beginner. I'm hoping to save you much time, money and frustration. You are going to build many little money making machines. Each, one at a time, then on to the next while the previous sites continue to grow earning a little more money each day. Oh and yes, this will take some time.

How do I pick a useful subject?

As I said earlier, it is highly unlikely for your first project to be wildly successful. So, I recommend picking something that you're interested in. That way at least you're working on a subject that you like while you learn to master the processes. Simply Google your subject and see what others are writing about. You should be able to come up with many of your own ideas from looking at websites about your subject. Also, pay attention to the design and layout of the sites that you visit. Make note of both the things that you like and those that you don't like about the sites that you visit. You'll want to refer to your notes when the time comes to create your own sites.

Now sit down, and write some articles. 300-500 words each should be fine. Six articles is a good number to start with. But, even one could start the "machine" working. It just won't work very well with just one. One thing I can strongly recommend against is the idea of getting someone else's articles and running them through an article re-writer. I've tried a few and they really don't change the articles enough to be able to use them. I recommend you save your money from useless software and do the work yourself.

So now you need to create your website. You'll need to name your website. You'll need a web hosting service. And, you'll need to actually build your website. I only can recommend Godaddy.com for domain name registration and hosting (I wish I was paid for that plug but my affiliate link is broken so it's free today). I tried dotster.com but personally I had nothing but problems with them so I fired them and moved all my projects to godaddy.com.

You must include your subject in the name of your website. Godaddy's domain registration page will help you with some ideas. Don't be afraid to use dashes or small phrases in the name. Almost all of your traffic will come from people clicking their mouse; they won't have to remember how to spell your sites name. Here are a couple of creative examples.


There are many different methods to use to actually create your website. Most web hosting services provide simple web publishing programs as part of their basic packages. My own preferred method is to use the free wordpress blogging software. It is available from WordPress.org. The program is powerful, it's functions and overall visual presentation are expandable for free with plug-in's and themes, and did I mention the program itself is free. It's no longer necessary to purchase an expensive web publishing software program to create your website. Another plus to using a blog format is that there are a few "blog only" directories such as www.technorati.com that you can show up in.

Let's re-cap where we are so far. You've picked a subject for your project. You've written about six 300-500 word articles on different topics pertaining to your project's subject. You've picked out a domain name and purchased it from your web host. You've purchased a web hosting service. Which by the way, most will let you pay month to month for your hosting if cash flow is a current issue for you. Finally, you used some free software to create your new website. Congratulations you are now an internet publisher!

Now it's time to add the money making functions of your web site. The first one that most people deploy is Google AdSense. The little ad's that you see on websites that say "Ads by Goooooogle" are placed there by a little piece of code that Google gives you to insert on your web pages. It's free to set up an AdSense account and you go here to do it.

Google Adsense

It's important to know that you have to have your website up and running on the internet before you go to set up your new account. Google will checkout your site for approval into their program. The set up is fairly straight forward, just follow the directions. READ Googles Terms of Service carefully. They have a few very strict but fair rules. Within minutes of approval and your adding their code to your website you will see your new Google ads appear on your web pages. The ads should match the content of each page they are displayed on. If one of your visitors clicks on an ad you will earn a few pennies. Obviously, it will take lots of visitors for you to make much money. Do not click on your own ads and do not do write anything to encourage your visitors to click on them either. Either action is very likely to get your account banned or at least suspended from Google pending a review. You do not want to do anything to turn off your little money machine.

Another way to make money from your new website is to sell something related to the subject that you've chosen to write about. What if you don't have a product? Maybe you do have a product but you don't want to deal with taking orders, packaging, shipping, and all the backend business stuff of selling products. Well, welcome to affiliate marketing. You can sign up with someone who has a product and earn a commission for everyone that you send to their website that makes a purchase from them. The easiest way to get connected with a company that has an affiliate program is to register with a third party company such as https://www.clickbank.com/ or http://www.shareasale.com/.

There are many of these types of third party companies that can connect you with affiliate programs. They will take care of all of the paperwork and traffic tracking freeing you to focus on building your part of the business. The best programs will have a plethora of resources to help you promote their products. At the very least they should provide customized links and banners for you to use on your website. They should also provide a page to log into so that you can monitor the traffic that you send them and the conversions into sales. Also, you will only want to deal with merchants that use "cookies" to track returning visitors, so that if you send them someone that later returns to their website and makes a purchase you get the credit for the sale.

Certainly, there are many more profit centers that you could build into your website. But, I recommend starting with these two simply to learn the mechanics of building a money machine. And yes, I do recommend deploying at least Google Adsense and some form of an affiliate program into each of your project. That should be your bare minimum.

There is an alternative method to create a web presence that offers more limited flexibility in its presentation but, is easy and fast to modify. www.markwarrenwebsites.com offers a simple preformatted web package that provides for three distinct profit centers. First the sale of the web package itself. It also will display Google Adsense with your Google account code. Finally, and I think the best feature is the ability to promote three products in a product review format. These three products can be anything you want and are easy and quick to change. An example can be seen at www.more-rich-jerk.com.

Now that you have created your first web presence, you will need visitors. You'll need lots of visitors to make any money. The first thing you will want to do is to submit your new website to all of the major search engines. For your first site you should simply do this manually yourself by visiting each search engine submission site. As you build more and more little websites you will want to automate this step.

You may want to jump start your traffic by advertising your website. I like Google AdWords. Google's the biggest and I think the easiest to work with. Google can be a little tricky though and if you don't know what you're doing Google can get very expensive real fast. Now you need to invest in your education. You're going to need to buy a book, written by a real expert on Google AdWords. Perry Marshall wrote the "Definitive Guide to AdWords." Yes, I bought the book. After reading the book, I wished that I had bought it sooner. I found myself logging into my AdWords account to fix stupid mistakes while reading through the book. So it's this simple, don't do Google AdWords without getting this book. While it will help with ad programs other than Google its main focus is on AdWords. So, if you're going to use another program don't buy this book. AdWords can be a powerful tool to drive people to your website that are specifically looking for information pertaining to your project's subject matter.

You may be asking yourself, "Why couldn't I simply join an affiliate program and use AdWords to drive traffic to my link?" Well, in most cases technically you could. I have in the past. It just doesn't seem to work as well as stepping your visitor through your landing page. Plus, you only get one product offer to make money with their visit on the affiliate site. On your webpage, you will have several little profit centers. Finally, some of the best affiliate programs use pop-ups. Google does not allow your ads to point to a site with pop-ups. I know I've seen ads going to pop-up sites but, as soon as Google finds one they kill the ad. The closest thing that will work is something like the www.more-rich-jerk.com example.

If you are reading this article on my blog site, you will notice little boxes below the text labeled "Bookmark to:" they are links to some of the major social bookmarking sites. These are places where people can save their favorites on-line so they can access them anywhere they can get on an internet connection. These sites have two good things going for you. First, if your visitors save your page for public view, your site will show up on the recently saved list and you'll get a temporary surge of traffic. Secondly, many of these bookmarking sites have a search function and if someone else searches for a "tag" that your first visitor used you'll get another visitor from that. Yes, you can bookmark your own site, just don't over do it and make yourself look like a spammer. Bookmarking works well and best of all it's free traffic.

Another powerful method to get more traffic is to publish your articles to on-line article directories. This is another area where it is critical that your content be uniquely yours. Also, there will normally be strict rules about self promotion. The editors of these directories understand that a great many of their authors are promoting something. So, if you read their rules and follow them you can promote your site through article writing. There are many fine examples to look at. Go to any of the more prolific authors bio page and you'll see trends in their submissions and almost always a link to a little money machine website of theirs. You've already done the work of writing your own articles. Why not submit them, it's easy and it's also free. Free is a good thing.

Now do everything you've just done over again and again. Keep doing this until you have all the little money machines that you want. You will get better with each one and probably find yourself going back to earlier projects and tuning them up as you find out what things work best for you. This will take time and it will take work. Making money on-line is work, but for me it's the best work I can find.

This piece is not meant to be your complete answer to building an on-line business. It's only a blueprint to point you in the right direction and get you started.

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