Monday, December 27, 2010

The Fun Of Homeschooling

There are many reasons for why parents choose homeschooling for their children. A lot of times this choice is made by parents who are dissatisfied with the way formal education is being run. Also by those who are concerned about safety issues.

In addition to this, there are those parents who wish to freely instill some religious values in their children, while some feel that having their kids taught at home helps tighten their family bond.

In present times, there has been an uprise in the numbers of students who are getting their education at home. In the United States, approximately around 3 million children participate in homeschooling programs.

There are various ways and methods homeschooling can be achieved. One of the most popular methods is to avail of prepackaged curriculums. A lot of book publishers specifically produce materials designed for children who participate in homeschooling.

These prepackaged curriculums basically introduce subjects that follow the curriculum of formal education.

Home schooling includes a lot of activities that make learning fun and exciting, especially for young children, while teaching a range of subjects such as: Mathematics, Language, Social Studies, Science, History, Electives and many more.

Children who are undergoing homeschooling are furnished with school supplies and other materials that they need for their education.

Software, educational audio cassettes and videos, and the internet are also part of the tools that are included in the education of the child.

Home schooling teachers may also teach children how to play various instruments as a part of the activities covered in music, and other various skills depending on the child's interest.

Arts and crafts, indoor games, and story telling are some of the other activities homeschooled children can participate in. The best thing about this is family members will be able to support and be involved in the various activities of the child.

Students who are undergoing homeschooling may also choose to go on organized fieldtrips along with other children who are also being homeschooled.

Outside of homeschooling, children can also participate in a number of activities such as: community service, working part time, sports programs, church activities and field trips that are organized by support groups that endorse home schooling.

These are basically facilitated by families who also have children who participate in homeschooling.

This method of learning is gaining more and more popularity these days, and is becoming a more feasible option for a number of families that now it is fast becoming a new trend in the way children get their education. This gives parents more freedom to choose what they think would be the best option when it comes to their children's education.

What Cooking Schools Can Do For You

There are so many cooking schools out there, advertising their degrees in colorful brochures, energetic commercials, eye-catching advertisements, and comprehensive websites. But you may question whether a culinary degree really right for you. In fact, you might be surprised by the many ways in which an education from a culinary school can improve your life, at home as well as in your career.

A cooking degree can prove helpful you get a job. Perhaps one of the most obvious benefits of a cooking degree is to beef up your resume. A degree will improve your chances of getting many culinary or related jobs, everything from chefs to restaurant reviewers to food advertising specialists. Managers want these jobs to be filled with employees who really know the culinary arts.

A culinary education can help you qualify for a better job. You may have been bucking for a promotion with no luck. Getting an education from one of the top cooking schools shows your employer that you have the ambition and sense of responsibility necessary to perform a more difficult job. A degree can also help you pass over the unskilled positions altogether, hiring directly into upper level positions that fit your level of education.

More qualifications mean more money. Tell potential employers that you are worth it. Studies have shown that entry-level employees entering the work force earn more, on average, when they have a degree. Getting a degree from one of the top cooking schools allows you to increase your earning power by improving your credentials.

A better understanding of food and nutrition will help you feed your family. Your family benefits from your culinary education, too. Balanced nutrition is difficult to achieve, but extraordinarily important for good health, particularly in growing children. Most cooking schools will teach you the basics of nutrition, such as the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients our bodies get from food, as well as how to combine different foods to create a healthy, balanced meal.

Knowing how to cook well will help you save money. Convenience foods and eating out are the two major drains on your food budget. With a culinary education, you won't need to rely on convenience and pre-packaged meals in order to eat well. You will be able to make meals from scratch that are better, healthier, and less expensive. And when you get the hankering for five star foods, you won't have to pay restaurant prices for it, you'll be able to make it right in your own kitchen.

Learning how to cook well can help you feel better about yourself. Self-confidence is a precious thing, and a culinary education can give it to you. Don't be ashamed of your cooking skills, or lack thereof, any longer; go to school and learn how to cook in a way that you can be proud of. And if cooking has always been one of your passions and the job of your dreams, then make that dream a reality with a culinary degree.

While an education from one of the top cooking schools can't give you everything you've always dreamed of, it can at least help you out a little along the way. So if you are asking yourself whether or not you should get a culinary education, perhaps the answer should be that you really don't have anything to lose from the experience. 

The Homeschooler's Career Advantage

Homeschooling is one the latest concept and trends in education nowadays, although the concept of homeschooling originated in the 20th century. This was during the time before public education came into being. It is not until now that it has become a more viable option for many families who have children who are still going to school.

Some of the famous persons connected with education that are considered to have acquired a homeschooled education, given the fact that they were self-educated or had availed of the guidance of a tutor include: Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, and Jane Austen to name a few.

Which only goes to show that individuals who have not acquired a formal education can also become successful in life.

In fact some surveys shows that were conducted with homeschooled individuals show that more of these individuals are involved in their communities, and have a higher percentage rate when it comes to voting. 58.9% of them also claim that they are very happy with their lives, compared with 27.6% of the rest of the population who also make this claim.

There are many career options that await homeschooled individuals. Surveys show that the preferred occupations that these persons are more likely to choose are: business, computer programming, career in the armed forces, internships, home worker, etc.

But before they embark on a career most of these homeschooled students choose to go to college first. There are a number of colleges that accept students fresh out of homeschooling.

Many highschool students who are undergoing homeschooling simultaneously take college courses to earn credits. These credits count towards the credit their going to accumulate once they go to college. Homeschooled students have been known to score high in college entrance exams.

There are some stereotypical views also that have been attached to individuals that have acquired their education through homeschooling. Such as that these individuals tend to be reclusive, antisocial, or extreme in their views when it comes to religion.

But slowly these views are dissipating since homeschooling is now becoming more mainstream.

A lot of parents have become extremely dissatisfied with the way public school systems are run. Not only do they fear for their children's safety, but the quality of education that their children receive some parents also find lacking.

That's why a lot of these concerned parents have made the decision to have their children homeschooled. A decision that now seems to be paying off.

Since the past decade the number of homeschooled students has multiplied, now resulting in responsible adults who have stable jobs and thriving careers in their chosen fields of endeavor, proving that homeschooling provides an excellent quality of education. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Female Education in Paksitan

In Pakistani educational system comparison of data for men and women reveals significant disparity in educational attainment. By 1992, among people older than fifteen years of age, 22 percent of women were literate, compared with 49 percent of men. The comparatively slow rate of improvement for women is reflected in the fact that between 1980 and 1989, among women aged fifteen to twenty-four, 25 percent were literate. United Nations sources say that in 1990 for every 100 girls of basic primary school age there were only thirty in school; among girls of secondary school age, only thirteen out of 100 were in school; and among girls of the third level, grades nine and ten, only 1.5 out of 100 were in school. Slightly higher estimates by the National Education Council for 1990 stated that 2.5 percent of students--3 percent of men and 2 percent of women- -between the ages of seventeen and twenty-one were enrolled at the degree level. Among all people over twenty-five in 1992, women averaged a mere 0.7 year of schooling compared with an average of 2.9 years for men.

The discrepancy between rural and urban areas is even more marked. In 1981 only 7 percent of women in rural areas were literate, compared with 35 percent in urban areas. Among men, these rates were 27 and 57 percent, respectively. Pakistan's low female literacy rates are particularly confounding because these rates are analogous to those of some of the poorest countries in the world.

In Pakistan has never had a systematic, nationally coordinated effort to improve female primary education, despite its poor standing. It was once assumed that the reasons behind low female school enrollments were cultural, but research conducted by the Ministry for Women's Development and a number of international donor agencies in the 1980s revealed that danger to a woman's honor was parents' most crucial concern. Indeed, reluctance to accept schooling for women turned to enthusiasm when parents in rural Punjab and rural Balochistan could be guaranteed their daughters' safety and, hence, their honor.

Reform Efforts

Three initiatives a characterized reform efforts in education in the late 1980s and early 1990s: privatization of schools that had been nationalized in the 1970s; a return to English as the medium of instruction in the more elite of these privatized schools, reversing the imposition of Urdu in the 1970s; and continuing emphasis on Pakistan studies and Islamic studies in the curriculum.

Until the late 1970s, a disproportionate amount of educational spending went to the middle and higher levels of education. Education in the colonial era had been geared to staffing the civil service and producing an educated elite that shared the values of and was loyal to the British. It was unabashedly elitist, and contemporary education--reforms and commissions on reform notwithstanding--has retained the same quality. This fact is evident in the glaring gap in educational attainment between the country's public schools and the private schools, which were nationalized in the late 1970s in a move intended to facilitate equal access. Whereas students from lower-class backgrounds did gain increased access to these private schools in the 1980s and 1990s, teachers and school principals alike bemoaned the decline in the quality of education. Meanwhile, it appears that a greater proportion of children of the elites are traveling abroad not only for university education but also for their high school diplomas.

The extension of literacy to greater numbers of people has spurred the working class to aspire to middle-class goals such as owning an automobile, taking summer vacations, and providing a daughter with a once-inconceivable dowry at the time of marriage. In the past, Pakistan was a country that the landlords owned, the army ruled, and the bureaucrats governed, and it drew most of its elite from these three groups. In the 1990s, however, the army and the civil service were drawing a greater proportion of educated members from poor backgrounds than ever before.

One of the education reforms of the 1980s was an increase in the number of technical schools throughout the country. Those schools that were designated for females included hostels nearby to provide secure housing for female students. Increasing the number of technical schools was a response to the high rate of underemployment that had been evident since the early 1970s. The Seventh Five-Year Plan aimed to increase the share of students going to technical and vocational institutions to over 33 percent by increasing the number of polytechnics, commercial colleges, and vocational training centers. Although the numbers of such institutions did increase, a compelling need to expand vocational training further persisted in early 1994.

Structure of Educational System in Pakistan

In Pakistan Education is organized into five levels: primary (grades one through five); middle (grades six through eight); high (grades nine and ten, culminating in matriculation); intermediate (grades eleven and twelve, leading to an F.A. diploma in arts or F.S. science; and university programs leading to undergraduate and advanced degrees. Preparatory classes (kachi, or nursery) were formally incorporated into the system in 1988 with the Seventh Five-Year Plan.

All Academic and technical education institutions are the responsibility of the federal Ministry of Education, which coordinates instruction through the intermediate level. Above that level, a designated university in each province is responsible for coordination of instruction and examinations. In certain cases, a different ministry may oversee specialized programs. Universities enjoy limited autonomy; their finances are overseen by a University Grants Commission, as in Britain.

Teacher-training programes and workshops are overseen by the respective provincial education ministries in order to improve teaching skills. However, incentives are severely lacking, and, perhaps because of the shortage of financial support to education, few teachers participate. Rates of absenteeism among teachers are high in general, inducing support for community-coordinated efforts promoted in the Eighth Five-Year Plan (1993-98).

In 1991 there were 87,545 primary schools in Paksitan, 189,200 primary school teachers, and 7,768,000 students enrolled at the primary level, with a student-to-teacher ratio of forty-one to one. Just over one-third of all children of primary school age were enrolled in a school in 1989. There were 11,978 secondary schools, 154,802 secondary school teachers, and 2,995,000 students enrolled at the secondary level, with a student-to- teacher ratio of nineteen to one.

Primary school dropout rates remained fairly consistent in the 1970s and 1980s, at just over 50 percent for boys and 60 percent for girls. The middle school dropout rates for boys and girls rose from 22 percent in 1976 to about 33 percent in 1983. However, a noticeable shift occurred in the beginning of the 1980s regarding the postprimary dropout rate: whereas boys and girls had relatively equal rates (14 percent) in 1975, by 1979-- just as Zia initiated his government's Islamization program--the dropout rate for boys was 25 percent while for girls it was only 16 percent. By 1993 this trend had dramatically reversed, and boys had a dropout rate of only 7 percent compared with the girls' rate of 15 percent.

The Seventh Five-Year Plan envisioned that every child five years and above would have access to either a primary school or a comparable, but less comprehensive, mosque school. However, because of financial constraints, this goal was not achieved.

In drafting the Eighth Five-Year Plan in 1992, the government therefore reiterated the need to mobilize a large share of national resources to finance education. To improve access to schools, especially at the primary level, the government sought to decentralize and democratize the design and implemention of its education strategy. To give parents a greater voice in running schools, it planned to transfer control of primary and secondary schools to NGOs. The government also intended to gradually make all high schools, colleges, and universities autonomous, although no schedule was specified for achieving this ambitious goal.

Education in Paksitan

When Pakistan got independance had a poorly educated population and few schools or universities. Although the education system has expanded greatly since then, debate continues about the curriculum, and, except in a few elite institutions, quality remained a crucial concern of educators in the early 1990s.

Adult literacy level is low, but improving. In 1992 more than 36 percent of adults over fifteen were literate, compared with 21 percent in 1970. The rate of improvement is highlighted by the 50 percent literacy achieved among those aged fifteen to nineteen in 1990. School enrollment also increased, from 19 percent of those aged six to twenty-three in 1980 to 24 percent in 1990. However, by 1992 the population over twenty-five had a mean of only 1.9 years of schooling. This fact explains the minimal criteria for being considered literate: having the ability to both read and write (with understanding) a short, simple statement on everyday life.

Supposedly relative limited resources have been allocated to education, although there has been improvement in recent decades. In 1960 public expenditure on education was only 1.1 percent of the gross national product (GNP); by 1990 the figure had risen to 3.4 percent. This amount compared poorly with the 33.9 percent being spent on defense in 1993. In 1990 Pakistan was tied for fourth place in the world in its ratio of military expenditures to health and education expenditures. Although the government enlisted the assistance of various international donors in the education efforts outlined in its Seventh Five-Year Plan (1988-93), the results did not measure up to expectations.

Education in Pakistan a view

The sector of Education has never been Pakistan's strong point. As part of his program to overhaul Pakistan's institutions in the 1970s, Zulifkar Ali Bhutto nationalized private educational institutions, many of which were gifts by philanthropists. The government then wasted little time in quickly dissolving these schools into nothingness. The resulting mediocrity soon gave way to apathy, a phenomenon further compounded by the "quota system." This obstacle in the way of an equitable merit-based system exists even today.

The result of these measures is the travesty that passes for education in Pakistan. There are basically three kinds of schools: the elite private institutions that cater to the upper class; the government-run schools serving the lower echelons of the population and the Madrassah, the religious school.

Here Private schools have become a necessity for contemporary Pakistani society since the government has failed to provide quality education for its population. A majority of parents, even those from lower income brackets, send their children to private schools so they can receive an education that will enable them to be competitive.

Also, most Pakistanis want their children to learn English. Private schools offer all instruction in English while government schools offer instruction in either Urdu or the local provincial language.

The feudal state of Pakistani society has prevented meaningful educational reforms from taking place. And, in many rural areas where the local tribal chief's word is law, schools will not function without his say so. There are many cases where chiefs will not allow any schools in their "jurisdiction."

Budget allocation for education is another important issue. There is no doubt that like many underdeveloped nations, Pakistan faces financial constraints for various reasons. Still, the government allocates less than 3%of the total annual budget for education. The current military government has apportioned a meager 2.9 % for the fiscal year 2001-2002.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, (UNESCO), proposes an underdeveloped nation allocate at least 4% of its total GDP for education. Chad, one of the poorest nations in the world, has allocated 6% for education in its last budget.

The condition of government schools all over the country and the quality of education being imparted there are going from bad to worse, day by day. Thousands of government schools are "ghost schools," existing on paper only. The buildings, mostly in rural areas, that were meant to house these schools are either dilapidated due to negligence or have been converted into otaqs (drawing rooms) for the local wadaras (land owners).

Thousands of "ghost" teachers have been drawing salaries from the education departments of the four provinces. They do not do any actual teaching since there are no functioning schools. Theysimply show up to collect their salaries on the appointed day.

According to a survey conducted by the education departments of Sindh and Punjab provinces in 1998, some 700 primary and secondary schools and 18,000 teachers were found "ghost" in Punjab and 340 schools and 7,000 teachers in Sindh.

Currently, the government claims Pakistan has a literacy rate of 47%. However, independent analysts and educational organizations put the actual figure at about 20%.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Reason why Choose the Creative Question Approach ?

“WHY DO I CHOOSE?” was the first important question that propelled Monica Garaycoechea and Arne Rantzén to each other and to the birth of their business, Creative Questions. Their journey is an inspiration to anyone who wants to connect to a life that actually works, and their service – specifically helps people achieve the state of clarity and aliveness that we all, so much long for.

What is a Creative Question infact? and why should we be asking them? Monica and Arne demonstrate this in kaleidoscopic ways, from the elegant Creative Questions Card set to their interactive websites, their international workshops, individual coaching, to the year-long Online Advanced Coaching program. Their individual energy is at once vibrant and contagious and they are dedicated to “light you on fire”.

M and Andrew have both worked intensively with affirmations over the years, an important tool used in many New Age and self-help circles to create a supportive frame of mind. “I am grateful to this step of evolution and to Louise Hay, Leonard Orr and Sondra Ray, the originators of much of the body of work around the use of affirmations,” Arne said. Creative Questions is the next step in evolution. Tapping into this level, results are accelerated and deepened at the same time. “With affirmations, it’s a little more flat, continued Monica. You can use the affirmation “I am grateful”, but when you switch to the Creative Question “WHY AM I GRATEFUL?” you have the full power of the Universe with you”.

The life paths of Monica and Arne intersected because they both decided to take charge of their destiny and get first-hand knowledge about the process of becoming conscious creators. After having been a medical doctor in her home country of Spain for 14 years, Monica Garaycoechea realized that although she had the success most people only dreamed of, she was still missing something. Swedish born Arne Rantzen, on the other hand, was frustrated, that his life wasn’t going anywhere.

Arne’s hunger for the meaning of life led him to Tibetan Buddhism and their common sense approach to life. Practicing the Tibetan way, whereof 5 years as a Tibetan Buddhist Monk, Arne held the honor of being the 24-hour personal assistant to the Tibetan Master Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche, while learning the Tibetan language and being part of the initial effort to translate many Tibetan books into English.

Arne was amazed on this when he realized that our lives are fueled by questions, and that most of them are not conducive to making the kind of permanent positive change we long to make. “Many of the questions people ask are negating a positive outcome like “Why is this always happening to me?”, “Why do I have so many bills?” or “Why do I have to work so hard?” “I’ll tell you why”, Arne laughs, “It’s because you’re asking,” pointing to the power of questions.

Because we are not aware of the power of questions we keep asking questions that are limiting; in fact, we ask more unconscious than conscious questions. That’s why the Creative Questions Cards are of such a valuable support to help identify and practice good questions. For example, your car gets rear-ended and you ask “Why did that car rear-end me?” The effect of that innocent question, leads to answers like, “because the other guy is a bad driver,” “because I’m unlucky” making a whole mountain of negativity out of that one unsupportive question. Most of the time we are not even aware of asking questions and automatically and unconsciously respond to answers. It would be better to ask, “WHAT CAN I LEARN FROM THE ACCIDENT?” and conclude that my car was rear-ended “because I need to learn to speed up,” or “I need to wake up and be more alert”.

The Creative Question Approach is an invitation to turn around your whole life and point it in the direction that you really want to go. There are 52 Creative Question cards in the Creative Question set, addressing the 52 most important aspects of your life. The Creative Questions Guidebook that comes with the set thoroughly acquaints you with how to play with the Creative Questions cards, and even suggests party games using them.

There is a little stand included for you to clip a card in so you can put it on your bedroom bureau, desk at work, etc., and the idea is so transportable. You can use them in the office, before doing your homework, right before the big ball game, to guide students in a weekend workshop, with your coaching clients – the uses are endless and the inspiration is evident.

Monica had established her own medical clinic in Spain, a history she now refers to as her “unconscious way of living.” “The deepest call that I have in my heart is to support human beings, myself to start with and the rest included! I loved my profession, but when facing my daily life and my intimate relationships – everything was upside down. So, my inner inquiry became more important than practicing as a medical doctor,” Monica said. The Creative Question “WHY DO I CHOOSE?” spurred Monica to pursue her spiritual calling rather than remain in her familiar world as a medical doctor.

Arne says, “Creative Questions are specific questions. “What work shall I do?”, “How shall I deal with my relationship?” and “Should I buy this new Car?” are not creative questions. Creative Questions train your mind, by choosing the questions that will give you the answer that you want. When you ask yourself “How shall I deal with my relationship?” you are not guided in any particular direction. This question can give you a variety of answers. Creative Questions are precise, only allowing answers that promote the result that you want, like “How does my relationship support me?” makes you realize how supportive your relationship is. Whatever you dwell on in your mind will have an impact on your life, and Creative Questions take you in a supportive direction. There’s no supportive Creativity in most of the questions people ask. Their daily actions are still built on questions, but they are generally not good questions and thus do not lead to positive changes.”

Creative Questions are designed to direct you to the attitude that will manifest the life that you want. “WHY DO I CHOOSE?” is one of the 52 Creative Questions explored, in depth, in the enlightening 80-page Creative Questions Guidebook, included with the Creative Questions Card set. This Creative Question guides you away from procrastinating to taking charge of your life. The Guidebook describes this with, “Choosing is a gift of freedom that you have been given to further evolution.”

In 1982 Arne sought for ways to bring Tibetan Buddhism, hands-on healing, therapeutic breathing techniques and the New Age worlds together. He worked as a trainer with such key figures in the consciousness movement as Sondra Ray, the creator of the Loving Relationships Training, Bob and Mallie Mandel, the leaders in Rebirthing and The International Seminar Leadership Program and Don McFarland, the founder of Body Harmony. And no matter how strong his credentials grow, he still brings that sparkling and humble presence to his events.

Monica started her spiritual journey with Zen Meditation and spiritual psychology. Then she explored, in depth, A Course in Miracles, yoga, Rebirthing with the founder Leonard Orr and became a teacher of Louise Hay’s “You Can Heal Your Life” program. She began to understand the bridge between our physical and spiritual lives, and that we are really creating our own lives. And today she follows the footsteps of such teachers as Gangaji, Eckhart Tolle and David Deida.

Monica and Arne are intimate partners, living and working together in a way that honors joy and aliveness as priorities. They return to the use of Creative Questions as part of their daily lives, starting at breakfast time with picking a Creative Question card as the inspiration for that day.

Monica Garaycoechea readily admits it took her awhile to really “get them”. “The day that I got the Creative Questions was when I realized that the creativity of the Universe is IN the question. The question itself opens you to discovering new possibilities.

Monica points out that “the first answers we may get from asking a Creative Question like “WHY CAN I HAVE EXTRA MONEY?” will usually be the ones that are familiar to us, like “that’s not true!” or “I don’t have any money.” But, if we return to the question we eventually get to a place where we tap into a feeling of the Creative Question that is connected to our hearts.”

Now, Monica has founded “Goddess Inspiration”, a way to inspire women to discover the “conscious feminine”. She has created the “Loving Presence” modality and is a “For a Conscious Life Coach” that emphasizes self-discovery and personal growth, bringing people to use their daily life to expand and transcend their limitations.

Arne Rantzen founded Unlimited Network in 1997 to distribute workshops “For a Conscious Life”. He is the creator of the amazing healing modalities Unlimited Body and Unlimited Breath and in 2001, he discovered the Creative Questions Approach.

Their focus since 1988 was teaching Unlimited Body, Unlimited Breath and Goddess Inspiration workshops “but what has happened naturally is that the Creative Question Approach has permeated everything. We haven’t erased the other stuff, but the Creative Questions have transformed everything. Creative Questions are everywhere. Where we used to do affirmations, we now use Creative Questions,” Arne explained.

In 2007 Monica and Arne ushered in the rebirth of the new Creative Questions Card set, a sleek and sexy black and silver redesign sparked by a vision Monica had around the original yellow and blue deck, then called “Question Cards For A Better Life.”

Creative Questions are becoming a fantastic and almost fundamental tool used by committed healers, coaches, counselors and teachers who are already doing remarkable work. It is commonly accepted today that “good thinking is important,” said Arne. There are hundreds of success affirmation cards on the market. “What is starting to happen is that more and more people are realizing that when an affirmation is put into the Creative Question format, it naturally gets energized. If you work with the affirmation “I am successful.” many people have to work hard to get into the feeling of that, and for the affirmation to really work in their lives, they have to feel it. But when they turn it into the Creative Question ‘WHY AM I SUCCESSFUL?’ or “HOW DO I FEEL WHEN I AMSUCCESSFUL? they move immediately into the feeling space.”

What is called intentional awareness is also escalated by Creative Questions, like the Creative Question, “HOW DO I FEEL WHEN I AM FULFILLED?” immediately makes you live in that reality.

Arne predicts, ”the affirmation world is quickly transforming into the Creative Question language. There are already books coming out that talk about the importance of questions, even though, it’s still rare that they actually talk about what we call Creative Questions.”

Creative Questions direct you to investigate many aspects of your life, not just improving your material world although they can certainly be used for that. They help point you to where you want to go in every area of your life, from your personal relationships, to your health, spiritual quest, life’s work. “WHY AM I GOOD ENOUGH? WHY AM I WEALTHY? WHY AM I ADMIRED? WHY AM I INTIMATE? are just a handful of the 52 Creative Questions Cards deeply integrated in their one-of-a-kind Creative Questions card set.

How would the world be different if we spoke to our children with Creative Questions? “Why are you so demanding?” is not a question to ask your children. “Parents wonder why their children keep doing the same thing, and it’s because they keep asking them the same kind of limiting questions,” Monica says, and continuous “If they asked them “WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS SO COOPERATIVE?” they would really change their teenager. It would be better to ask children Creative Questions that will empower them like “WHY ARE YOU SUCH A GIFT?” or “HOW ARE YOU IMPORTANT?” These kinds of questions will open up a whole new level of dialogue in families.”

In a world where the majority of people want the quick fix or easy answer, Creative Questions are a very attractive tool because they have an immediate impact. Monica uses the term “Showering Yourself with Creative Question”. There is a free online audio where she showers and guides you through listening to and feeling the experience of a Creative Question. “Try to focus on the Creative Question”, she instructs. The creative part is the question itself, not in the answers. You can get rational with “WHY AM I HAPPY?” such as “because it is sunny” and because my bills are paid. But if you keep asking the Creative Question, you start to detach from the mental answers, and you begin to feel happy. Go back to the Creative Question until you see how unlimited you really are. You will feel it in your physical and in your emotional body. “I feel the Creative Question in my heart,” said Monica. “It’s a little more experiential than a thought.”

Another great impact of the Creative Question approach is that we can impact the world. Until now we often impact the world in a negative way, not supporting the world around us, when we ask with good intent things like, “Why do you look so tired?” and “Why are they against us?” There was good intent with those questions but a lack of understanding behind what you’re doing. “Mind must answer or it goes crazy,” Arne said, so the person who didn’t feel tired until we asked them why they looked tired begins to find reasons why they are tired and the person who didn’t feel threatened starts to find reasons for threat. We need to learn to say “no” to unsupportive questions and consciously choose Creative Questions.

Monica is the creator of the powerful Online Advanced Coaching program “Expand Yourself and Change Your Life.” “I created this year-long Online Advanced Coaching program to support people who want to truly understand and experience the power of Creative Questions”, Monica shared with pride and continued “Through this advanced coaching you will go deep and learn how to embrace subconscious material, feelings and thoughts, that oppose your expansion, opening up "space" for you to be able to think, feel and be, more of who you truly are. This investigation is a profound and easy way to promote the qualities of your Natural State, such as gratitude, success and abundance.”

The 52 Online Advanced Coaching sessions are designed for you to thoroughly integrate the 52 vital Creative Questions by being guided to focus a whole week on each, so you can really expand and change your life.

Working with Creative Questions you connect with your own unlimited potential that already exists inside you. Then, in the advanced study of the power of questions, you learn how interconnected you are to the whole world. Monica offers a practice in her Online Advanced Coaching where she encourages participants to “offer their creative question to the world.” For example, if you ask a waitress in a restaurant “WHY ARE YOU SO HAPPY?” or “WHY ARE YOU SO GOOD AT YOUR JOB?” you would see a 30-second transformation in that stranger’s attitude and aura. This is a powerful way you can shift and transform the whole world.

“Be patient with yourself. You’ll get it and lose it and get it again until you have practiced it enough so it becomes part of you,” said Monica, which is why the 1-year support of the Online Advanced Coaching is so valuable.

After you read this article, try to give a Creative Question to someone that you meet? Next time you go into a store, ask someone “WHY ARE YOU SO GOOD AT THIS?” or “WHY ARE YOU SO KIND?” Observe how people immediately change their frequency when you ask the Creative Question and notice your own elation in making someone else feel good.

Arne says, “We have to start listening to what questions we are asking ourselves, which for many, is a revelation of what kind of questions are usually running them. The very act of asking ourselves a Creative Question allows the mind to generate supportive answers for us.” This Creative Questions Approach is a thoughtfully crafted life education in transforming your life presented on the website, by two conscious living trainers who walk their talk.

Making Money on Internet: A Beginners information

If you've clicked here, you must be interested in making money on-line. And why not, every day we are blasted on internet with ad's and e-mails telling us that "you too, can get rich on-line." But how do I, do it? Who do I listen to? Does anyone really make any money other than the "experts" that are trying to sell us their books? Which book should I buy?

Because I have become personally my self tired of the endless flow of "How to Get Rich on the Internet" books being sold to the naive would be entrepreneur, I decided to write a simple guide to outline one method to get started.

Yes, there are lots of people making good money on-line in thousands of different ways. The method I'm going to offer you today is "Niche Marketing."

Niche Marketing on internet is one of the simplest and least expensive ways to get started in an on-line earning business. The concept is easy. First pick a subject to focus your project on. It helps if the topic is one that you enjoy or at least have some knowledge of. But, remember that the point is also to pick a subject that will have enough public interest that you can actually market it and hopefully profit from it.

Specifically what you will do is to write some articles, create a website, monetize your website, and finally drive traffic to your website. And then, you are going to do all that all over again with a new topic of interest.

This brings us to point number one. You are very unlikely to build a website that brings in more than a few bucks a day. In fact your first site may not even break even for a good long time. The point is to understand that our goal is not to create one website making $200.00 a day. But, rather your goal is to build 20 sites averaging about $10 a day each. It is possible to build websites that bring in the big bucks if you have the talent and resources. The truth of the matter is no one with that level of ability is likely to be reading this in the first place. This piece is written for the beginner. I'm hoping to save you much time, money and frustration. You are going to build many little money making machines. Each, one at a time, then on to the next while the previous sites continue to grow earning a little more money each day. Oh and yes, this will take some time.

How do I pick a useful subject?

As I said earlier, it is highly unlikely for your first project to be wildly successful. So, I recommend picking something that you're interested in. That way at least you're working on a subject that you like while you learn to master the processes. Simply Google your subject and see what others are writing about. You should be able to come up with many of your own ideas from looking at websites about your subject. Also, pay attention to the design and layout of the sites that you visit. Make note of both the things that you like and those that you don't like about the sites that you visit. You'll want to refer to your notes when the time comes to create your own sites.

Now sit down, and write some articles. 300-500 words each should be fine. Six articles is a good number to start with. But, even one could start the "machine" working. It just won't work very well with just one. One thing I can strongly recommend against is the idea of getting someone else's articles and running them through an article re-writer. I've tried a few and they really don't change the articles enough to be able to use them. I recommend you save your money from useless software and do the work yourself.

So now you need to create your website. You'll need to name your website. You'll need a web hosting service. And, you'll need to actually build your website. I only can recommend for domain name registration and hosting (I wish I was paid for that plug but my affiliate link is broken so it's free today). I tried but personally I had nothing but problems with them so I fired them and moved all my projects to

You must include your subject in the name of your website. Godaddy's domain registration page will help you with some ideas. Don't be afraid to use dashes or small phrases in the name. Almost all of your traffic will come from people clicking their mouse; they won't have to remember how to spell your sites name. Here are a couple of creative examples.

There are many different methods to use to actually create your website. Most web hosting services provide simple web publishing programs as part of their basic packages. My own preferred method is to use the free wordpress blogging software. It is available from The program is powerful, it's functions and overall visual presentation are expandable for free with plug-in's and themes, and did I mention the program itself is free. It's no longer necessary to purchase an expensive web publishing software program to create your website. Another plus to using a blog format is that there are a few "blog only" directories such as that you can show up in.

Let's re-cap where we are so far. You've picked a subject for your project. You've written about six 300-500 word articles on different topics pertaining to your project's subject. You've picked out a domain name and purchased it from your web host. You've purchased a web hosting service. Which by the way, most will let you pay month to month for your hosting if cash flow is a current issue for you. Finally, you used some free software to create your new website. Congratulations you are now an internet publisher!

Now it's time to add the money making functions of your web site. The first one that most people deploy is Google AdSense. The little ad's that you see on websites that say "Ads by Goooooogle" are placed there by a little piece of code that Google gives you to insert on your web pages. It's free to set up an AdSense account and you go here to do it.

Google Adsense

It's important to know that you have to have your website up and running on the internet before you go to set up your new account. Google will checkout your site for approval into their program. The set up is fairly straight forward, just follow the directions. READ Googles Terms of Service carefully. They have a few very strict but fair rules. Within minutes of approval and your adding their code to your website you will see your new Google ads appear on your web pages. The ads should match the content of each page they are displayed on. If one of your visitors clicks on an ad you will earn a few pennies. Obviously, it will take lots of visitors for you to make much money. Do not click on your own ads and do not do write anything to encourage your visitors to click on them either. Either action is very likely to get your account banned or at least suspended from Google pending a review. You do not want to do anything to turn off your little money machine.

Another way to make money from your new website is to sell something related to the subject that you've chosen to write about. What if you don't have a product? Maybe you do have a product but you don't want to deal with taking orders, packaging, shipping, and all the backend business stuff of selling products. Well, welcome to affiliate marketing. You can sign up with someone who has a product and earn a commission for everyone that you send to their website that makes a purchase from them. The easiest way to get connected with a company that has an affiliate program is to register with a third party company such as or

There are many of these types of third party companies that can connect you with affiliate programs. They will take care of all of the paperwork and traffic tracking freeing you to focus on building your part of the business. The best programs will have a plethora of resources to help you promote their products. At the very least they should provide customized links and banners for you to use on your website. They should also provide a page to log into so that you can monitor the traffic that you send them and the conversions into sales. Also, you will only want to deal with merchants that use "cookies" to track returning visitors, so that if you send them someone that later returns to their website and makes a purchase you get the credit for the sale.

Certainly, there are many more profit centers that you could build into your website. But, I recommend starting with these two simply to learn the mechanics of building a money machine. And yes, I do recommend deploying at least Google Adsense and some form of an affiliate program into each of your project. That should be your bare minimum.

There is an alternative method to create a web presence that offers more limited flexibility in its presentation but, is easy and fast to modify. offers a simple preformatted web package that provides for three distinct profit centers. First the sale of the web package itself. It also will display Google Adsense with your Google account code. Finally, and I think the best feature is the ability to promote three products in a product review format. These three products can be anything you want and are easy and quick to change. An example can be seen at

Now that you have created your first web presence, you will need visitors. You'll need lots of visitors to make any money. The first thing you will want to do is to submit your new website to all of the major search engines. For your first site you should simply do this manually yourself by visiting each search engine submission site. As you build more and more little websites you will want to automate this step.

You may want to jump start your traffic by advertising your website. I like Google AdWords. Google's the biggest and I think the easiest to work with. Google can be a little tricky though and if you don't know what you're doing Google can get very expensive real fast. Now you need to invest in your education. You're going to need to buy a book, written by a real expert on Google AdWords. Perry Marshall wrote the "Definitive Guide to AdWords." Yes, I bought the book. After reading the book, I wished that I had bought it sooner. I found myself logging into my AdWords account to fix stupid mistakes while reading through the book. So it's this simple, don't do Google AdWords without getting this book. While it will help with ad programs other than Google its main focus is on AdWords. So, if you're going to use another program don't buy this book. AdWords can be a powerful tool to drive people to your website that are specifically looking for information pertaining to your project's subject matter.

You may be asking yourself, "Why couldn't I simply join an affiliate program and use AdWords to drive traffic to my link?" Well, in most cases technically you could. I have in the past. It just doesn't seem to work as well as stepping your visitor through your landing page. Plus, you only get one product offer to make money with their visit on the affiliate site. On your webpage, you will have several little profit centers. Finally, some of the best affiliate programs use pop-ups. Google does not allow your ads to point to a site with pop-ups. I know I've seen ads going to pop-up sites but, as soon as Google finds one they kill the ad. The closest thing that will work is something like the example.

If you are reading this article on my blog site, you will notice little boxes below the text labeled "Bookmark to:" they are links to some of the major social bookmarking sites. These are places where people can save their favorites on-line so they can access them anywhere they can get on an internet connection. These sites have two good things going for you. First, if your visitors save your page for public view, your site will show up on the recently saved list and you'll get a temporary surge of traffic. Secondly, many of these bookmarking sites have a search function and if someone else searches for a "tag" that your first visitor used you'll get another visitor from that. Yes, you can bookmark your own site, just don't over do it and make yourself look like a spammer. Bookmarking works well and best of all it's free traffic.

Another powerful method to get more traffic is to publish your articles to on-line article directories. This is another area where it is critical that your content be uniquely yours. Also, there will normally be strict rules about self promotion. The editors of these directories understand that a great many of their authors are promoting something. So, if you read their rules and follow them you can promote your site through article writing. There are many fine examples to look at. Go to any of the more prolific authors bio page and you'll see trends in their submissions and almost always a link to a little money machine website of theirs. You've already done the work of writing your own articles. Why not submit them, it's easy and it's also free. Free is a good thing.

Now do everything you've just done over again and again. Keep doing this until you have all the little money machines that you want. You will get better with each one and probably find yourself going back to earlier projects and tuning them up as you find out what things work best for you. This will take time and it will take work. Making money on-line is work, but for me it's the best work I can find.

This piece is not meant to be your complete answer to building an on-line business. It's only a blueprint to point you in the right direction and get you started.

Start getting Forex Trading Education

a lots of American are interested in getting involved in forex trading. Before doing this, you should get a forex trading education. You should never get into forex trading without forex trading education. With the proper forex trading education, you can be on your way to making a tidy profit.

First you need to know what forex trading is. Forex is short for foreign exchange. Forex trading is the simultaneous exchange of one countries currency for another countries currency. By doing so at the right times, you can gain a profit. A forex trading education can teach you how to do this.

The first part of a forex trading education is to learn the market background. The foreign exchange market is always changing. With forex trading education, you will learn how to monitor these changes to be beneficial for you.

The next part of your forex trading studies is to learn about risk control and risk management. You learn to control yourself and not over invest at the thrill of the chance of making money. You will also learn how to cut your losses ,how to exit losing trades before your losses exceed your limits. You will always lose money when you first begin forex trading. This part of your forex trading education is absolutely crucial to whether you will make it big or end up in a hole.

Another important part of your forex trading education or studies forex is to learn how to open and manage your forex trading account. Your forex trading education should first have you practice with a demo account. This way you learn the ropes by practicing forex trades with play money. There is no risk involved, but it is just as realistic as the real thing. Your forex trading education should also let you know when you are ready for the real thing. You should then, and only then, open up a live forex trading account.

There are many ways to get a forex trading education. The best place to get a forex trading education is online. There are many free websites available that let you open free demo accounts to practice your forex trading. There are also free seminars that are avaiable at random times. The best thing to do is to get some advice from someone who is a current forex trader. They can give you some down to earth insight on the subject of forex trading.

Now that you know a little bit knowledge about forex trading it is time for you to go out and get a good forex trading education. Don't rush into it and take your time. There is a lot of money involved with forex trading. It is best not to get ahead of yourself.

First advice for students intrusting in online degree to inish High School Education

In any situation, it is hard to watch a loved one throw their future away.

When you see your loved one end their high school education, it is a difficult thing to watch. Especially when it is your child. Many young people may not understand the importance of a high school education to their future and can only see the difficulty it may cause in their current daily life. It may be they don't get along with other students or even the teachers. Regardless of the situation, it is hard to watch a loved one throw their future away.

A high school education does not need to be received in the traditional high school setting. With today's technology, there are many ways in which to get an education. One of the best means of receiving a high school education is to participate in an online education program. Many are low-priced and offer choices to the participating student.

Online high school education for getting degree provides the student access to as many classes as they need to receive their high school diploma. Whether the student needs credit in science, social studies, English, Biology math, or a foreign language, an online education program will have them available. These online high school education classes also allow the student to learn at their own pace. If the student is working during the day, they can access their classes in the evening. The fact is online education makes it easy and convenient for the student.

When helping your loved one to choose an online high school education program, you'll want to make sure it is accredited. This means the school has been officially recognized as a qualified education program and your student will receive a quality education from it. You'll also want to make sure that your loved one has all the details and understands how the program works. You don't want them to feel frustrated again and quit halfway through their program. Providing all the details up front is important.

If your loved one has not received their high school education, provide them with the opportunity and support they made to finish out their high school education. It may be they are simply too scared or lacking the confidence to continue. When you give them the encouragement, they will thank you for it and greatly appreciate all of the support you gave them.

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